As I embarked on the journey of promoting my latest book, 'Ecosociocentrism: The Earth First Paradigm for Sustainable Living,' the response from universities and Nature Conservation agencies across the country exceeded my expectations. Stepping onto the stage to share insights from 'Ecosociocentrism' with students and faculty members felt like a homecoming, where the fervor for environmental activism and sustainable living ignited a flame of hope within each audience member. The halls of academia echoed with anticipation as I unveiled the pages of 'Ecosociocentrism' to eager minds hungry for solutions to the pressing environmental and climate challenges of our time. With each university talk, the vibrant exchange of ideas and impassioned discussions reaffirmed my belief in the power of 'Ecosociocentrism' to inspire meaningful change in our collective approach to sustainability. Standing before the bright faces of students and the seasoned wisdom of faculty members, I felt a profound sense of purpose as I delved into the principles and strategic policy imperatives outlined in 'Ecosociocentrism,' knowing that together, we were forging a path towards a more harmonious relationship with our planet.
National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), Kathmandu, Nepal
April 5, 2024, as an invited speaker of NTNC, it is with great humility that I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Chair and the entire professional staff of NTNC for graciously organizing this talk program and bestowing upon me the privilege of sharing my insights from the book published under the banner of Springer Nature. This book “Ecosociocentrism: The Earth First Paradigm for Sustainable Living” delves into the intricate complexities of our planet's challenges and proposes pragmatic solutions to safeguard our natural heritage for generations to come. Ecosociocentrism as a conceptual framework aims at addressing Nature conservation, environmental sustainability, and the pressing issues of global environmental and climate crises driven by excessive growth oriented global political economy.
While standing before you under the auspices of NTNC, I am reminded of the shared values and unwavering commitment to conservation that unites us all. This organization's tireless efforts in preserving our planet's biodiversity and advocating for environmental stewardship serve as an inspiration to countless individuals around the globe. It is an honor beyond measure to present my work to the library of this esteemed organization, knowing that it will find a home amongst the invaluable resources dedicated to the pursuit of Nature conservation and environmental excellence.
I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the rich repository of knowledge housed within the library of NTNC, and I am hopeful that this book will serve as a catalyst for dialogue, reflection, and action amongst all who have the privilege of engaging with its pages. Thank you once again for your gracious hospitality and unwavering commitment to the cause of conservation.
With deepest appreciation
Emeritus Professor Gopi Upreti
Tribhuvan University (IAAS)

Predators kill their prey mainly to savor for their survival. However, human beings destroy other living beings, other human beings and annihilate the whole planetary systems for their greed and arrogance. The greed and arrogance manifest in autopathic, allelopathic, and sociopathic proprieties. The sole evil intent of manufacturing, trade and deployment of arms and ammunitions is to fight against other human beings. Only within 20th century, the wars killed at least 108 million people. The wars throughout the human history are estimated to have killed up to one billion people.
According to a recent study, “Humanity’s diverse predatory niche and its ecological consequences,” the human beings are 1,300 times more destructive than dreadful predators. The human population representing just 0.01% of all living…